Shinji Fushimi Hanshi
Shingokan was established by the late Shinji Fushimi Hanshi (Japan Karate Federation JKF Goju Kai 8th Dan). Fushimi’s Sensei was Kizaki Sensei who has part ofd the first group of Goju Ryu students taught by Chojun Miyagi at the Ritsumeikan University.
Fushimi Sensei was such a respected kata exponent that he was chosen to demonstrate the kata in the first JKF Gojukai technical manual. He was also a long term head of the JKF Gojukai Referee Committee, member of the Technical Committtee and member of the. Dan Testing Committe for the JKF Gojukai.
Following sensei Fushimi’s recent passing, the Shingokan organisation has been inherited by new head of style, the very likeable, Tomoyoshi Endo sensei (JKF Gojukai and Shingokan 6th Dan)
The organisation in Japan is a strong one with many active and competent instructors located primarily in and around the city of Okayama.
The Honbu dojo is located in Okayama City, Japan. Before his passing Fushimi Sensei would make regular yearly visits to Australia to teach and further develop the Gojuryu style.
Geoff Rhode Shihan
Head of Style in Australia
0478 607 137
Geoff Sensei joined Shingokan Japan as a 4th Dan, after leaving his previous organisation (Seishikan). He currently holds the rank of 6th dan in Shingokan and 6th Dan JKF Goju Kai.
Shingokan was introduced to Australia by Geoff Rhody Renshi in 2000.
Shingokan in Australia has been very fortunate to benefit from the development of this valuable karate link. Dojo’s are located in Mount Gambier, Virginia, Kapunda and Tanunda in South Australia.