History of Goju

The origins of karate-do date back to the ancient travels of Buddhist monks throughout the Asian Frontier. Unarmed and oppressed, it became necessary for them to develop a form of self-defence for their survival. Merchants travelling south from China to the Ryukku Islands (Okinawa) brought with them this art of the “Chinese Hand” to To-De (later to be called Karate – empty hand).

During this time, Japan invaded these islands and its warriors found themselves confronted by the fierce retaliation of skilled practitioners of this secret art. In the late 19th Century an enthusiastic Okinawan youngster by the name of Chojun Miyagi, became well skilled in the art and was determined to know more. He was advised to travel to China to study the many different methods of martial arts. His search led him to the hard school of Shaolin Chuan, the soft school of Pakua Chan, and from these two he developed his own style of Goju (Hard – Soft). He advocated that both the hard and soft complimented each other and he created the Sanchin and Tensho kata, a formal exercise which combined both these elements.

Japan Karate Federation Goju Kai (JKF)

The Japan Karate-do Federation was established in 1964 to organise and oversee all styles of traditional Japanese Karate. This organisation is part of Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (文部科学省 Monbu-kagaku-shō). It is led by a member of Cabinet who is selected by Japan’s Prime Minister.

The vast majority of traditional Goju Ryu organisations are members of the JKF Goju Kai. This organisation seeks to preserve and perpetuate the style of karate that was developed in Okinawa, Japan by Mr. Chojun Miyagi.

Japan Karate Federation Goju Kai Australia (JKFGA)

The JKFGA was formed in 1991 by Chooi Chee Choong who was the first president elected in Australia, before this time Merv Oakley, Keith Hill (Seiwakai) and Chooi Chee Choong (Seishikan). Although the first International was held in Australia in 1990 the organisation was not formed formally until 1991. Since that time the organisation has held a tournament in alternate states to develop the youth in the organisation.  There is also a seminar that is to enhance the young instructors to get first hand knowledge from international masters. Since the days of Adelaide in 1991 the organisation has grown in 2018 130 participants attended Seminar and 42 passed grades from 1st to 5th Dan in JKF Gojukai.


Our Vision

Our vision is to build the profile of JKF Gojukai Australia to be the Premier Goju Organisation in Australia and to provide a platform of information and advancement to levels of testing that is suitable to meet the requirements of JKF Gojukai Japan.

Our Mission

Our vision is to build the profile of JKF Gojukai Australia to be the Premier Goju Organisation in Australia and to provide a platform of information and advancement to levels of testing that is suitable to meet the requirements of JKF Gojukai Japan.

  • Our aims and objectives of JKF Gojukai Australia as a governing body is to promote the recognised curriculum, and ensure all members meet a specified criteria, creating consistency across the brand.
  • Our goal is to teach, motivate, educate and guide all members / instructors /students  while promoting exemplary ethics in JKF Gojukai karate-do.
  • We promise to do this by creating forums and seeking input from  our  members. By doing this a fixed syllabus in Kata and training methods from JKF Gojukai Japan, that will be determined how quality will be assured.

We will do this by

  • Annual JKF Gojukai Australia Tournaments
  • Bi Annual JKF Gojukai Kata Seminars
  • Promote JKF Gojukai Australia financial members and JKF Gojukai Australia sanctioned events with regular updates via JKF Gojukai Australia Website
  • JKF Gojukai Australia financial Members
  • JKF Gojukai Member Grades
  • JKF Gojukai Australia sanctioned Clubs
  • JKF Gojukai Sponsor Organisations

Why Join JKF Gojukai Australia?

Membership of JKFGA is only open to karateka that have achieved a grading of san-dan or above with the Japan Karate-do Federation Goju-kai. This ensures that all instructors and members:

  • meet the technical standards of the Japan Karate-do Federation Goju-kai
  • have the knowledge and ability to teach genuine Goju-kai karate in a manner consistent with the best practices and knowledge in the Goju style
  • have active links with senior Japanese instructors and access to all the developments in Goju-kai karate as they happen
  • Can participate in the annual international seminar conducted by the most senior Japan Karate-do Federation Goju-kai instructors in Japan as well as international events and tournaments hosted by member nations

JKFGA was formed to actively develop and promote Goju karate in Australia and provides members and their students with:

  • access to the annual JKFGA seminar featuring instruction from senior Japanese and Australian instructors
  • access to the annual JKFGA national tournament used to select the Australian team to compete in the Japan Karate-do Federation Goju-kai national tournament and the bi-annual Japan Karate-do Federation Goju-kai World Championships
  • Access to state-based workshops featuring instruction from senior Australian instructors teaching the Japan Karate-do Federation Goju-kai syllabus
  • The opportunity to meet and form long-term friendships with Goju practitioners from Australian, Japan and internationally

Executive Committee

Glenn Stephensen


Stacey Karetsian

Vice President

Peter Davie


Naomi Higgs



Policies, procedures, guidelines and more.